Sunday, 13 December 2009

Alumni dinner, agriculture and forests...and quotas on participation grrrr

Just returned from an outstanding ECI/Oxford alumni get together at a restaurant in Copenhagen - must have been 60 or more people there...too many to list but it was great fun and everyone introduced themselves and what they are doing. Included people on delegations for Pakistan, Turkey, and Grenada....and lots of people working for NGOs and in business. Some people looked a bit worse for wear after staying up most of the night at the NGO party on Saturday.

Weekend events included all day meetings outside the conference center on Agriculture, Forests, and Development in different parts of town. I went to the Agriculture event which was very good and I heard good things about the others as well.

The only real downer is that they are starting an entry quota for NGOs as of Tuesday. ECI has been issued 25 passes for each day but there are more than 80 people wanting to attend. We have to have a lottery and lots of people will be frustrated. I think its especially hard on the students who have come a long way and saved to be here. The UNFCCC should not have accepted so many NGO registrations....its awful to restrict it after everyone got here.

I am really excited that Mexico will make a committment to keep its emissions from growing. This is a serious committment from a non annex 1 country and may be key to a deal with the US. And everyone is hoping now that with all the heads of state coming in that there must be a reasonable hope of something that can be called success.

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